

  • 2018, Art and Sacrificial Love: A Conversation with Michael D. O’Brien. Ottawa: Justin Press.
  • 2017, On the Edge of Infinity: A Biography of Michael D. O´Brien. Ottawa: Justin Press. French translation: 2017, Michael D. O’Brien, L’Auteur de Père Elijah. Paris: Salvator. 2019 second English edition at Ignatius Press.
  • 2013, Ritualization and Human Interiority. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press.
  • 2002, The Efficacy of Sacrifice, Correspondences in the Rgvedic Brāhmaņas, Papers Published at the Department of Religious Studies, Gothenburg University, no. 29. 2nd edition 2011 Lambert Academic Publishing: Saarbrücken.


  • 2019, “Introduction,” in Michael D. O’Brien, The Art of Michael D. O’BrienSan Fransisco: Ignatius Press: 7–14.  
  • 2019, ”Leaving Hinduism,” in Daniel EnstedtGöran Larsson and Teemu T. Mantsinen (eds.), Handbook of Leaving ReligionLeiden: Brill: 13–27. 
  • 2018, “On Writing Michael O’Brien’s Biography,” in Må de nu förklara…” Om bibeltexter, religion, litteratur. Festskrift för Staffan Olofsson, eds. Rosmari Lillas-Schuil, Gunnar Samuelsson, Georg Walser, Tobias Ålöw, LIR.skrifter.varia (Göteborg: LIR skrifter): 341‒349.
  • 2018, ”Religious Studies in India. Banaras Hindu University: Religion and Universal Human Values,” Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies vol.17, issue 50: 30–45.
  • 2018, “Unga européers tro och otro,” Signum 4: 48-52.
  • 2017, “Att studera religion i Indien,” Signum 5, July 2017: 37–42.
  • 2017, “Det postkristna Sverige i siffror,“ Signum 2, March 2017: 13–18.
  • 2017, “Millenarisme et science-fiction,” Catholica 137: 80–90.
  • 2017, “Sweden and the Five Hundred Year Reformation Anamnesis,” in Luther and his Progeny: 500 Years of Protestantism & Its Consequences for Church, State, and Society, ed. John Rao (Kettering, OH: Angelico Press): 255–275.
  • 2017, “Det postkristna Sverige i siffror, “ Signum 2, mars 2017, 13–18.
  • 2017, “Lund, 31 octobre 2016,” Catholica no. 134, Hiver (Janvier-Février-Mars): 12-19
  • 2016, Applied Religious Studies,” in Daniel Enstedt, Göran Larsson & Ferdinando Sardella (eds.), Religionens varp och trasor: En festskrift till Åke Sander [Warp and Rags of Religion], Lir.skrifter (Göteborg: Institutionen för Literatur, Idéhistoria och Religion, Göteborgs universitet): 147–166.
  • 2016, Åke Sander, Clemens Cavallin, Sushil Kumar, “Changes of the views on religion in higher education at Banaras Hindu University, India: A first report from an on-going research project,” Argument Biannual Philosophical Journal 6.1: 107-142.
  • 2016, “Ritual Interiorization and Abstract Action” in Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice (ed. Peter Jackson). Sheffield: Equinox, 33–44.
  • 2016, “Interiorisation of Ritual in the Brāhmaṇas: Role of the Breaths in the Vedic System of Ritual Correspondences” in Vedic Investigations. Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference, vol. 1 (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass), 59-74.
  • 2016, “On Writing Michael O’Brien’s Biography,” in Må de nu förklara…” Om bibeltexter, religion, litteratur. Festskrift för Staffan Olofsson, eds. Rosmari Lillas-Schuil, Gunnar Samuelsson, Georg Walser, Tobias Ålöw, LIR.skrifter (Göteborg: Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoriska och religion, Göteborgs universitet): 305‒314.
  • 2015, ”The Ritual PersonAnviksiki IX:121–160.
  • 2015, “Consolations of a New Earth: The Benefits of Science fiction for Catholic Theology” LIR Journal 4: 37–48.
  • 2015, ”Reflektion över relationen mellan katolsk teologi och religionsvetenskap” [A reflection on the relation between Catholic theology and religious studies] in Den trogne arbetaren i vingården: Festskrift till Bo Claesson, ed. Staffan Olofsson. LIR.skrifter.varia: Göteborg: 109–118.
  • 2015, “Deep Realism: A discussion of Christian literary realism with an analysis of passages from Michael O’Brien’s Children of the Last Days novel seriesLogos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 18.2: 104–120.
  • 2015, Cavallin, Clemens and Åke Sander, 2015, “Hinduism Meets the Global World: the ”Easternization” of the West?” in The Changing World Religion Map, ed. Stan Brunner, vol. 3, part VII. Springer: Berlin: 1743–1766.
  • 2014, “Gudens blick“ [The Gaze of God] in Bildens makt: Religion, tradition, samtida utmaningar, ed. Marie Fahlén. Studentlitteratur: Lund: 95–109.
  • 2014, Cavallin, Clemens and Kuhlin, Julia, ”Violence against Christians in India: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Two Indian English Newspapers,” Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies: Vol. 27: 62–76.
  • 2014, Cavallin, Clemens and Sead Fetahagić “The Role of the Catholic Church in the Bosnian Conflict 1991-1995: An Historical Approach” in Politization of Religion, the Power of State, Nation, and Faith: The Case of Former Yugoslavia and its Successor States ed. Gorana Ognjenovic. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan: 55–94.
  • 2014, ”Religion som ett mänskligt fenomen” in SEGL: katolsk årsskrift for religion og samfunn, eds. Ståle Johannes Kristiansen & Peder K. Solberg: 301–310.
  • 2013, “Såsom i en spegel: Drömmar och visioner som portar till det övernaturliga i Michael O’Briens romansvit Children of the Last DaysChaos 59, I: 13-30.
  • 2013, “Religious Studies and the Knowledge Society: Open Access as contributing to an Open Society” in The Sociology of Religion in India: Past, Present and Future, eds. Ferdinando Sardella and Ruby Sain. New Delhi: Abhijeet Publications: 105–113.
  • 2013, “Catholic Identity and the Year of FaithSeat of Wisdom: A Theological and Pastoral Journal 6: 1-14.
  • 2013, “Apokalyptik 2012” in Religion och populärkultur, Föreningen Lärare i religionskunskap, Årsbok 2012, Årg. 44: 9-15.
  • 2012, ”Religion as a Human Phenomenon vs. Openness to TranscendenceAnviksiki  VII: 189-222.
  • 2011, “Framtidens humaniora” [The Future of the Humanities] in Språket i historien, historien i språket. En vänbok till Bo Lindberg, eds. Mats Andrén, Henrik Björck, Johan Kärnfelt & Cecilia Rosengren. Arachne Vol. 22. Göteborgs Universitet, Inst. för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: 261-274.
  • 2011, ”After the State Church. A Reflection on the Relation between Theology and Religious Studies in Contemporary SwedenJournal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, Vol. 10 No. 29: 43-63.
  • 2010, ”Drömsk religion” [Dreaming Religion] in Drömmar: En vänbok till Ingemar Nilsson, eds. Mats Andrén, Henrik Björck, Johan Kärnfelt and Cecilia Rosengren, Arachne Vol. 21. Göteborgs Universitet, Inst. för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: 91-99.
  • 2009, ”Globalized Apparitions” Bandue, nr. 3: 81−97.
  • 2007, ”A Pilgrimage WithinJournal of Contemporary Religion, Vol. 22, No. 2:  235–251.
  • 2007, ”Kunsten å skrive en moderne apokalypse” [The Art of Writing a Modern Apocalypse] in Fra Dante til Umberto Eco: Atten tekster om teologi og litteratur, eds. Olav Hovedlien and Ståle Kristiansen, Unipub: Oslo: 269–284.
  • 2007, “Religionsvitenskap og nasjonen Norge: En refleksjon ved anledning av 1905markeringen” [Religious studies and the Norwegian Nation] in Humaniora i Nasjonen, eds. Knut A. Bergsvik, Ole-Jørgen Johannesen, Kari Gaarder Losnedahl, Hans Knut Sveen och Hans-Jakob Ågotnes, Universitetet i Bergen: 82-90.
  • 2006, “Gruppebasert veiledning med én veileder i masterstudiet” [Group Supervision with one Supervisor] in Forskningsveiledning på master- og doktorgradsnivå, eds. Olga Dysthe och Akylina Samara, Abstrakt Forlag: Oslo: 56–64.
  • 2006, ” Forholdet mellom teori og metode” [The Relation Between Theory and Method], in Metode i religionsvitenskap, eds. Siv Ellen Kraft & Richard J. Natvig, Pax: Oslo: 7–28.
  • 2005, ”Angående sambandet mellan religionsvetenskaplig forskning och didaktik” [On the relation between the research and the didactics of  religious studies] in UPED-skrift nr. 1/2005, The Program for Didactic Research, University of Bergen, Bergen Open Research Archive
  • 2005, “Abolishment of Intention and the Question of Interiorisation: A Discussion of Humphrey and Laidlaw’s Theory as Applied to Vedic RitualsChakra No. 4: 7–24.
  • 2005, ”A Catholic Vision of the Good SocietyDictum, no. 3.
  • 2003, ”Sacrifice as Action and Actions as Sacrifices: The Role of Breath in the Internalisation of Sacrificial Action in the Vedic Brāhmanas” in Ritualistics, Tore Ahlbäck (ed.), Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History, Åbo: 19–35.


  • 2019, “Vers la fin de la fin des temps,” Catholica, no. 145, La dignité humaine en désuétude: 98–103.
  • 2016, Review of Miroslav Volf, ed., 2014,  Do We Worship the Same God? Jews, Christians and Muslims in Dialogue, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, and Ralph Martin, 2012, Will Many Be Saved: What Vatican II Actually Teaches and its Implications for the New Evangelization, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, in ET-studies, Journal of the European Society for Catholic Theology 7,  no. 1: 196.
  • 2014, Review of Knut Jacobsen, Jainismen: Religion, historie og ickevold. Oslo: Cappelen Damm, DIN  2 / 2014: 99–101.
  • 2013, Review of George Weigel, 2013, Evangelical Catholicism, New York: Basic Books, Seat of Wisdom 7: 55–57.
  • 2006, Review of Jeffrey Burton Russell Himmelens historie: den syngende stillhet [Heaven the Singing Silence], Chaos 44: 167–169.
  • 2005, Review of Sacrifice and Symbol. Biblical Shelamim in a Ritual Perspective, Svensk kyrkotidning, Vol. 101, No. 39 (4792): 481–482.