I recorded this with my iphone in Michael O’Brien’s home (november 2017) so the sound is not ideal, but the message comes through.
Gabriele Kuby, “‘God save me!’ A Catholic artist’s journey to faith in an age of apostasy” LifeSiteNews, https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/god-save-me-a-catholic-artists-journey-to-faith-in-an-age-of-apostasy
Richard Bastien, “Biography of Michael O’Brien details a creative life full of joys and sorrows” Catholic World Report, www.catholicworldreport.com/2017/06/21/biography-of-michael-obrien-details-a-life-of-joys-and-sorrows
Here is the two part talk that I gave at the Roman Forum in Gardone in July 2017.
Yoga and the transformation in Christ_draft version 2017 05 14
My article ”The Post-Christian Sweden in Numbers” (in Swedish) was published in Signum 2017 no.2, pages 13-18. It is a reflection on data from polls performed by the SOM institute in Gothenburg in relation to Rodney Stark’s book The Triumph of Faith, which is based on data from the World Gallup Polls.