Religion as a human phenomenon

Here is an article that I published 2012 in an Indian journal. A Swedish version was published 2014 in:

SEGL: katolsk årsskrift for religion og samfunn, eds. Ståle Johannes Kristiansen & Peder K. Solberg: 301–310.


Religion as a human phenomenon vs. openness to transcendence


An issue hotly debated within religious studies due to its importance for the discipline’s identity and status, is the choice between, on the one hand, a study of religion as a purely natural phenomenon and, on the other hand, a perspective that not a priori rejects the truth claims of religious traditions concerning supernatural realities. In the following, I will discuss these two approaches and sketch a position of my own.


The Lost and Found Saint

I have promised you, dear reader, an account of the fascinating history of the painting that was stolen and then found again. What follows here is what I have learned from persons working in the church where the painting hung, and whom I know to be trustworthy people.