A reflection on the relation between Catholic theology and religious studies

A presentation that I did in  2013 at the Pontificia Università San Tommaso as part of the workshop Scandinavian Theologians Teaching Catholic Theology is now published in a Festschrift (in Swedish) as  ”Reflektion över relationen mellan katolsk teologi och religionsvetenskap” [A reflection on the relation between Catholic theology and religious studies] in Den trogne arbetaren i vingården: Festskrift till Bo Claesson, ed. Staffan Olofsson. LIR.skrifter.varia: Göteborg, pages 109–118.


Religion as a human phenomenon

Here is an article that I published 2012 in an Indian journal. A Swedish version was published 2014 in:

SEGL: katolsk årsskrift for religion og samfunn, eds. Ståle Johannes Kristiansen & Peder K. Solberg: 301–310.


Religion as a human phenomenon vs. openness to transcendence


An issue hotly debated within religious studies due to its importance for the discipline’s identity and status, is the choice between, on the one hand, a study of religion as a purely natural phenomenon and, on the other hand, a perspective that not a priori rejects the truth claims of religious traditions concerning supernatural realities. In the following, I will discuss these two approaches and sketch a position of my own.

Publication on Easternization

An article on Hinduism,  I wrote together with professor Åke Sander has just been published in a mammoth 4000 pages multi-volume work at Springer. I must say I didn’t envy the editing done by Stan Brunner. And the price tag is quite substantial 1200 $.