Online lecture on the challenge of AI technology for higher education
January 14, 2025, online lecture: “The Challenge of AI Technology for Higher Education.” Centar
za proučavanje odnosa znanosti i religije (CePOZiR), University of Zagreb
January 14, 2025, online lecture: “The Challenge of AI Technology for Higher Education.” Centar
za proučavanje odnosa znanosti i religije (CePOZiR), University of Zagreb
I will give the talk ”God, The Absolute Wise Man, and the Study of Religion” at the event Is Belief in God Reasonable? Aquinas’ Summa Contra Gentiles in a Contemporary Context at the Thomistic Centre at the Angelicum (online event).
April 4, 2019, in Gothenburg I will give a talk on yoga and Christian faith.
Here is my manuscript in Swedish:
Here is my conference presentation (December 13, 2018, Stockholm) on a comparison between the novel Home by Marilynne Robinson and the novel A Father’s Tale by Michael O’Brien.
Here is a talk I will give in Gardone in July 2018 with the title Nathan Söderblom and the Quest for Catholicity; thus returning to the Roman Forum once more; this time I will present Nathan Söderblom and hint at his contemporary relevance.
Here is the two part talk that I gave at the Roman Forum in Gardone in July 2017.
Yoga and the transformation in Christ_draft version 2017 05 14