Olivier Messiaen, ”La nativité de Seigneur”
A recording I made in 2022 of Jonas Apeland playing the organ in St Paul in Bergen, Norway. Many thanks to Amund Dahlen for arranging this.
A recording I made in 2022 of Jonas Apeland playing the organ in St Paul in Bergen, Norway. Many thanks to Amund Dahlen for arranging this.
My latest article in The European Conservative: a reflection on artificial intelligence and death.
”The new AI chatbot ChatGTP released upon the world last year has by now churned out millions of texts ranging from short Norwegian poems on existential angst to rows of code for computer games. It has even humorously advised someone to put up bounce castles at polling stations. Unsurprisingly, there is an ever-growing mass of words about its apocalyptic abilities—although some of those are in fact written by the bot itself.”
Two interviews I have made as part of a larger documentary on saint Elisabeth Hesselblad.
A video on the art of Michael D. O’Brien that I made based on a lecture at Saint Andrews in 2022.
Originally given in Swedish at a Catholic online conference in November 2020. Here translated as my first pod cast experiment.
It was interesting to cooperate with EWTN for a series on Catholic life in Scandinavia.
I will give the talk ”God, The Absolute Wise Man, and the Study of Religion” at the event Is Belief in God Reasonable? Aquinas’ Summa Contra Gentiles in a Contemporary Context at the Thomistic Centre at the Angelicum (online event).